Monday, September 20, 2010

FMM - Frends-Making-Monday

Hosted by blogger Kenz, here are my Monday questions to help you get to know me better! If you would like to participate, please leave the address of your blog in the comments, and I'll check yours out as well.

1) If you could magically change one thing about your body, what would it be? To shrink back to my natural hour-glass shape rather than my current several-days shape.

2) What is your best physical feature? My lips. Accentuate what you have!

3) Do you weigh yourself daily? Hourly? Weekly? Bi-weekly? Never? Weekly for sure. Sometimes more often. It just depends on how 'off' or 'on' I feel that week.

4) Do you workout regularly? If so, how does if affect you from day to day? Ugh. No. My biggest nemesis! I do not work out regularly at all. I know that when I work out I feel so awesome! I just let life and schedules give me an excuse to ignore it.

5) What is the healthiest thing you do for yourself on a regular basis? I drink lots of water (oops - saying that as I realized I forgot my big water bottle today!), I eat whole grains and organic whenever possible, and I really don't indulge in junk foods that often. (By junk foods, I mean candy or fried food. I do still drink diet soda, and I have my skinny cow ice cream.)

6) If you could look like a celebrity, who would you choose to look like? With or without makeup? ;-) I really don't look at celebrities and think of them in any sort of 'human' way. I've always been ok with who I am, although I would like less of who I am sometimes.

7) What do you do to make yourself feel pretty/handsome? I line my lips . . . take time with my mascara . . . I know it should be something exciting like pampering myself, doing a mani/pedi, etc. Ok, I like those too, but I was thinking more on a daily basis.

8) What are you most attracted to in the opposite sex? Brains!!! I love a man who challenges me to think about the world in new ways, and who is witty and wise. I am blessed to say that I have that in my wonderful husband, who is a darned handsome catch to boot!!!

9) Have you ever avoided situations because you didn't want people to see your body shape? Hello! I live in Florida!!! Beach/swimming avoidance is my middle name. Yes, avoid always. Other than also being one of the whitest people on the planet, body shape hasn't helped. Buying close is also not a favorite, but better now that I'm not in plus sizes anymore.

10) How do you feel about your overall appearance? I think I have a cheerful disposition, which conveys to a pretty cheerful appearance. I'm always self-conscious about my shape, clothes, and weight, but have tried to tell myself that others aren't evaluating me as much as I am. You're not, right? ;-)

Whether or not you have a blog, I'm interested in your answers! Please respond to the same 10 questions in your blog or in the comments. Let's get to know each other!

Make it a great day.


Brandi. said...

Just stopping by to say hello. Happy FMM. :)

Self Storage said...

Loved your answers. You sound like a person with a great sense of humor.This weight thing goes on and on doesn't it? Drop by and visit me on

Marie said...

Happy FMM. I love an intelligent man. There's nothing sexier.

Kenlie said...

Nice answers...I think a cheerful disposition goes a long way..and your answer to the first question cracked me up. LOL Thanks for taking part in FMM.

Valerie Roberson said...

Hey there! Happy FMM :)

#1-CRACKED me up!!

Stop by and say hi sometime!