Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Whole New Tape . . . err DANCE!

Sean was kind enough to remind me after my last post that I don't need to record over my mix tape.  I can just eject it and start a whole new one!  What a novel idea.  As I responded to Sean via email, I've been trying to record over the old one (which leaves pieces on the tape!).  A brand new shiny tape - blank slate - is what I need.  How freeing!!!

So, friends, what will we put on our new - empty - tape?  This is an exciting adventure; one that I like much more than trying to rewrite or remix the old one.

We rented Just Dance 2! for Wii last night.  I only 'boogied' a couple of songs, but can I tell you I am sore???!  What a wonderful feeling!  Ok, it's not so wonderful when I first get up out of my chair . . . but it is wonderful to feel a connection with my body - that reminds me it's still in there and will work for me when I ask it to.  So, I think some more dancing is in my future!  I've got to get over this mental hangup that has been stopping me from working out - and dancing might be a good gateway.  If any of you are Veggie Tales fans (sorry, I still have young kids!), I'm thinking 'Dance, Dance, yeah!'

Have fun, and make it a great day.

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