Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stress, Stress, Stress!

I know it's natural to feel stressed at some times, but lately I've had an extra large dose. I won't pretend to have made great choices every day; however, I have made good choices most days - which a huge step in the right direction. The scale is not jumping down (it might be the same, or a pound up) over the last three weeks, but at this point I'm just trying to maintain an equilibrium.

This is the point where I argue with myself. I know that if I exercised more, it would raise endorphins, help me feel stronger, and give me motivation to push through this. And then I argue, in a very grown up voice, 'But I don't wanna! (whine)'

How do you push yourself to get out there when you don't want to, to find time when there is none, to put yourself on the top of a 25 page list??? If anyone has tips for what has worked for you, I'm game.

Make it a great day.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Hi-this comment probably won't be very motivational because I too have trouble with exercise and I don't even have any excuses!! I'm divorced and my kids are grown, so I really have no reason to make excuses but I still seem to find my way OUT of exercising most of the time. I like the Leslie Sansone in-home walking videos and there's really no excuse for not doing it. It's raining out today but not in my living room!!

Just wanted to let you know you're not alone regarding avoiding exercise.