Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Girl

Turns out that there is a scientific reason that I might appear more happy than some other people. According to an article by AOL (not the bastion of scholarly research, admittedly), there are key roadblocks to your happiness. The roadblocks are Expecting the worst all the time, Passing the buck, Thinking life should be perfect,  Not thinking of others, and Expecting life to be fair. Lucky for me, I don't really have those qualities. I am an overall happy or cheerful person most of the time.

Don't get me wrong - I can be a grump! But my overall outlook on life, and how I treat people, is pretty rosy. I wouldn't change even the bad things I've been through, as they've made me a very strong woman.

So, I am overall pretty happy . . . I just want to be healthier. Does being happy help you get healthier? I don't think Santa would say so (should I say so, so , so?). Today it's ok though. I'll use my rosy outlook to know that I'm on the right road, as are you, friends. We'll do it together!

Make it a great day.

1 comment:

Brandi. said...

I'm working on that.

It's wonderful that you can do this automatically! And yes, your mood, and definitely depression will affect your weight loss efforts.

Have an amazing day and rest of your week!