Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birthday Wishes

So, yesterday was my birthday. Don't worry, you didn't have to get me anything (family excluded). ;-) If you're wondering, I turned 39 for the first time. Time will tell if I decide to turn 39 again next year, or if I jump into my 5th decade (man, that sounds a LOT worse than 40s!) with my husband. ;-)

So, on my birthday, I like to reflect on my blessings (which are numerous) and my wishes (much less numerous - the way it should be). I have so much more than I could have ever dreamed. Yes, I want future financial security for my family. Yes, I want to be a better person . . . but, really, my wish is to be healthier. I don't mean just because I exercise (4-letter word). I mean, I want to be healthier all over. I want to choose healthier food consistently because I want to, not because I have to. I want to want to exercise. That is my wish. To be healthier. To want to be healthier.

What are some of your birthday rituals or wishes? Do they depend on others to make them come true, or just you? Interested in your thoughts.

Make it a great day.


jenbythesea said...

Hi Annaleah,
I love your birthday wishes. I don't usually do much reflecting on my birthday, but it's something to consider for next year. I, too, wish I would want to exercise. Every morning I have to force myself to go and exercise and I would still rather have cheesecake than an apple. But, I have accepted that this is a process and will take some time. I've been making the wrong choices for most of my life and can't expect to change that overnight. Keep up the good work!

Brandi. said...

Happy Birthday! And you WILL reach your goals! You're doing great!