Friday, September 3, 2010

Handling Stress

This week I'm getting a lesson in how I handle stress. Overall, I would say I have not been that great at it; HOWEVER, I consider it a positive that I recognize the signals and am not giving in to the stress as much as usual. Let me just state up front - I didn't make my exercise goal this week. Bummer. Normally that would give me a great excuse to forget it next week. Not now. I will brush it aside and try again. Normally stress would let me make excuses for extreme overeating marathons - for several days. This week? Nope. Not one!!!

I haven't slept well, but overall I think I've handled this week well. I have taken a bath or had a glass of wine (and counted the calories) instead of feeding my face. I've tried to feed my soul rather than my mouth.

I am learning! So, lessons and small victories this week. Also, I put on the dreaded Mom Jeans today, and they are looking less lumpy. All lumps lost are good - like gravy. (Ok, probably a bad example . . . ). ;-)

I know Candy rocked the exercise challenge. If anyone else did, please comment or email me. For the rest of us, no worries. We have this next week!!!! I hope you have a great long weekend.

Make it a great day!

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