Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dose of reality

The day had to come. My husband bought a new scale. The old subjective scale is still in my bathroom - but lately it has been so subjective that even I know it's on the fritz (170? Yeah right . . . wishing). So, today I went downstairs to the garage (the only floor where there is no tile, and an absolutely flat surface) and did the deed. It wasn't what I had hoped, but I also wasn't surprised.

I'm still 56 pounds down from my heaviest, and I'm at least 13 down from mid-July. I know I'm not going up, as my clothes indicate . . . but I'm not going down quickly. I'm ok with that for now. I know that exercise would help jump start this journey, I'm just struggling to find the time. Yes, I could do it at 5am - but then no one would want to be around the grumpy me who gave up precious sleep to exercise. I will find a way to make this work.

I've 'fit' good food choices into my life. Exercise just has to be part of that. (By the way, I am still taking the stairs every morning.) I just re-read that first sentence in the paragraph . . . wait? I fit it in? Hmm. That's an issue. I should fit in good choices, should I? They should just 'be'. Maybe that's an issue for reflection . . . So, I hope you are better at 'being' with your choices than I am with currently 'fitting' mine in. Share your triumphs here. We want to celebrate with you!

Make it a great day.

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