Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Throw off all that burdens you

Today I read a blog by Jennifer (jenbythesea); she had read a devotional that charged us to throw off all that burdens us so that we can run the race. Those are thoughts for reflection. What burdens me? What has previously prevented me from being successful at long-term weight loss and weight maintenance?

I'm not going to pull out that old mix tape (see previous posts) telling myself I'm too lazy, too whatever . . . there must be something else. I think it is fear. I'm not sure what I'm afraid of - being healthy and looking good sounds pretty great. But, when I think about that new me, my stomach flips like with fear. Am I afraid I can't maintain it? I'm not sure. I will just have to take the Scarlett O'Hara approach to this issue and 'think about it tomorrow.' If I focus on the fear today it will paralyze my journey, and I will not give it that much control.

I am remaining focused on my daily weight loss journey; making good food choices at each meal, and not focusing on how long it will take or where others are in their journey (although I will rejoice with you and your successes!). That is my peace. That already feels like some burden is coming off.

I joked with Jennifer that if I threw off all that burdens me I might be so light I could float. Wouldn't that be nice? What kinds of thing can you throw off today to lighten your load?

Make it a great day.

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