Monday, July 26, 2010

I survived the first one!

No, not the first week (although I did that too).

I survived my first dinner prepared by my mother. Usually, I would've walked in and parked myself next to the hors d'oeuvre plate (yes, there always is one). I'm not sure if this is insecurity or just hunger - probably more of the former - but I would always eat more of the appetizers than anyone else. Of course, some of those times were because she made my 'favorite' hummus or whatever. I can't say that I really went in with a 'plan' in mind, other than to try to prepare myself to try a little of everything, but have a lot of nothing. I probably could have done without the additional glass of wine, but otherwise I'm calling it a victory!

I asked for only a bite of the dessert, and did not dip into the melted butter. Yay for me.

We have to find those small victories that keep us moving forward right? Finding ways to eat with our family is certainly one of those victory-needed areas!

I'm a bit hungry today, but trying to add more water to fill up.

Make it a good day.

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