Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Winning against the Office spread

We've all been there . . . you're 'trying to be good,' but it's so-and-so's birthday, so there is cake. Or, we finished a project, so we go to lunch. Or, it is Tuesday, so someone baked the cake. Whatever it is, if you work with people, chances are you work with additional food from time to time!

Today was a triple wammy. We have a large group of folks in the office for training, so we always load up on snacks and goodies at Costco. My desk is directly across from the kitchen. I face food all day. Second challenge - it was one of our attendee's birthdays, so someone baked a better-than-sex cake (you know, the one with sweetened condensed milk POURED all over it?), and then finally - the lunch. Rather than having everyone run out for lunch, we cater the training lunches. Today was pizza and salad. Yum.

It's not that I couldn't have had the pizza and salad. All things considered, I could have done pretty well with that. Here is why I didn't . . . I needed to prove that I could take control of this situation and walk away. Before the pizza was delivered, I headed off to Publix and bought fixins for pita pizza for tonight. I then went to Chicken Kitchen and got my favorite bowl (1 scoop brown rice, 1 scoop black beans, chicken, lettuce, and tomato). The pizza showed just as I was digging in. The beans are so filling I feel absolutely stuffed!!!

I got a nectarine to enjoy too, just in case I was feeling a call from the mini brownies later today, but I'm not sure I can even fit it in! Maybe in a few hours. Hmm. Wonder of wonders. Maybe I can do this!

I have also noticed that I feel thinner, even though I may not really be much thinner since this start. See yesterday for the skinny comment (still lovin that one!), but today as I was walking into Publix I noticed I felt good. I feel good. I feel thinner and more healthy. Yay me. Yay for my husband. Yay for my family. We are all winning because I am making these conscious good choices every day.

Make it a good one.


Elizabeth. said...

Yay! I'm your first follower. I love your blog and it sounds like you're doing GREAT. Your talk about office food reminded me of my win over the office cookies last week. I bet you feel great about your attack plans...I know just what you mean. Hugs and luck - I'll be reading you!

Keep your stick on the ice!

Annaleah said...

Thanks for the comments, Elizabeth. And thanks for being my first follower! It sounds like we're on the same path. Congratulations on winning the cookie battle! Please feel free to share your stories as you can. I like your tag - although being a southerner, I've never had my stick on the ice. ;-)

Hmm. I'll have to think of a good southern one . . . that DOESN'T have to do with food (rare)! Keep your toes in the sand. Keep your bikini on standby (um, no). Keep shrinkin' your shadow. More sandals, less handles. This could be fun!

Thanks again for your comments.