Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Subjective Scale

I love my scale (it drives my husband crazy!). It never gives you the same answer twice - ever. We have a two story house, and our master bathroom is a tiled floor over plywood, so there is plenty of give in the floor. If you put it in different places around the room, you get different readings. Heck, even if you keep it in the same place, you get a different reading - sometimes by as much as 10 pounds!

The scale used to bug me, when I was going to a 'formal' weight loss place where the people were going to fuss at me if I didn't perform as well as they thought I should. Yeah, I don't go there anymore. Anyway, I have made friends with the scale.

Don't get me wrong. I DON'T like the numbers it's giving me, no matter which one...I just look at it differently. I'm thinking of the scale as my mirror scale. Every time you look in the mirror, you see yourself a little differently. Some days you might like parts of what you see, some days not. The mirror is subjective. It is not absolute. It does not define who you are, only how you see yourself at that moment. The same can be said about that scale.

The numbers on that scale do not define me. I am more than a number (ok, it's weight, I wanted to say I'm less than a number, but work with me here). The numbers on the scale are just there to help me make sure I'm going in the right direction.

I'm still working on my new Mix Tape wording (see yesterday). I was thinking about that on the way to work today. Still reflecting. I'll keep you posted.

For now, may you ALL have subjective scales. :-)

Make it a great day.

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