Sunday, August 22, 2010

We get what we give . . .

Ok, Sean Anderson... way to bring it home. We get what we put into this journey. I have been putting fair effort (great, compared to previous weight loss journeys); however, exercise . . . has been none existent. I know that I only need to haul my fat butt outside to walk, or even to the TV to put in a workout tape. Ok, the fat comment probably wasn't good for my new mental mix-tape, but in this case it was true. Am I still losing weight? Yep, but not as much as I could be losing. Am I still committed? Yep, but I need to step it up. I need to get more.

I was reminded of what I regularly say to my boys . . . You get what you get, and you don't get upset. Although they get that saying after they have whined when they are faced with a plate of broccoli - that I would happily eat - I have been whining too. I have been internally whining that my weight loss hasn't been fast enough. Yes I'm more than 50 pounds down. But I can do better.

So, where do I start? Let's say it will be by taking the stairs tomorrow up to my office. Those three flights of stairs are usually avoided, as I don't like to start my day winded and sweating. Three stinking flights!!! Poo. They are MINE tomorrow, baby! First conquer stairs - then more. I'll let you know. I'm ready.

We get what we give.

Make it a great day.

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